Read Getting Grit and learn:

  • How society contributes to reducing grit in children, athletes, students and employees
  • How “good grit” inspires others and “bad grit” creates conflict
  • Why life’s biggest goals require authentic grit
  • The contagious behaviors that contribute to good grit
  • Why taking a “selfie break” builds authentic grit
  • How women can overcome the “diseases of despair” that are undercutting grit cultivation


Available as an audiobook on all major audiobook platforms


Rated one of the 25 Best Books for Finding Your Purpose in Life

  • Ever meet someone who is that magical combination of wise yet humble, strong yet sensitive, inspiring yet down-­to-­earth? That’s Caroline Miller. I know nobody who’s thought more about how to apply the scientific research on grit and achievement to our own live

    angela duckworth
    Angela Duckworth
    Founder, Character Lab and author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
  • Caroline Adams Miller’s “Getting Grit” delves into the heart of perseverance, showcasing how grit can be your guiding light on the path to fulfilling your purpose. Her evidence-based strategies reveal that true passion comes alive when blended with resilience – inspiring you to push through life’s hurdles and not just dream, but achieve.

  • An amazing and compelling book that is the ultimate guide to living life with grit and without regret.

    Tom Rath
    author of StrengthsFinder 2.0 & Are You Fully Charged?
  • It’s one thing to value grit – it’s another to develop it. Caroline Miller has made that her life’s work, and in this book she shares a series of useful steps for increasing your persistence for the right reasons in the right ways.

    Adam Grant
    author of Originals and Give and Take
  • This is a really innovative book, and companies, sports teams, schools, families and communities will all benefit from the stories and research.

    Scott Barry Kaufman
    Scientific Director, The Imagination Institute and author of Ungifted and co-author, Wired to Create
  • Caroline Miller articulates the science and importance of character strengths as important pathways to help cultivate grit in this groundbreaking book.

    Neal H. Mayerson, Ph.D.
    Founder/Chairman, VIA Institute on Character
  • A brilliant read for anyone interested in achieving their goals and using their good grit and authentic grit to help others thrive.

    Professor Lea Waters, Ph.D.,
    President-Elect International Positive Psychology Association, Gerry Higgins Chair in Positive Psychology, University of Melbourne
  • The minute I picked up Getting Grit, I feverishly began taking notes. Caroline Miller understands the essential truth that all women who want to be truly confident, who want to succeed, need grit.

    Claire Shipman
    co-author Womenomics and The Confidence Code
  • I have just ‘inhaled’ Getting Grit, and I’m so energized by the content and its delivery. Planning to give it to every board member in my organization.

    Rebecca Powers
    Founder, Impact Austin

Watch now to learn the answers to the frequently asked questions about grit

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The Evidence-Based Approach to Cultivating Passion, Perseverance, and Purpose


Grit is increasingly considered one of the key ingredients of success. It is defined as “passion and perseverance in pursuit of long-term goals.” How gritty are you? If you do not know, you are not alone. Some people are predisposed to be more resilient and optimistic than others; however, most people don’t know how to identify and cultivate grit, and as a result don’t achieve their full potential in their work or personal lives. Positive psychology expert Caroline Adams Miller, MAPP uses insightful scientific research, applicable examples, and powerful stories to help you understand why this character strength is so important and what you can do to cultivate it in yourself and others.

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